Tuesday, May 14, 2013

DeSoto Caverns

We had a great time at DeSoto Caverns! Our students explored a "Cave Crawl"(and saw Ms. Gorman and Ms. Brown painstakingly make their way through), traversed a maze, and saw a really cool lights show in the cave. Needless to say, we were pretty sleepy on the bus ride back!

Coach Wagner Visits Our Classroom!

And he's just a little taller than Ms. Gorman!
Reading to our class
 Being silly! We were blessed to have Coach Wagner visit, and we learned a lot about the commitments student-athletes and professional athletes make to achieve their goals!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Exploring Unknown Solids

I love chemistry. Right now, we are experimenting with five unknown solids and observing how they react with water. We are learning about the terms: dissolve, soluble, insoluble, solution and suspension. This is only the beginning of our lab experiments. Soon we will be exploring how these unknown solids react to liquids other than water... and the results are awesome!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

5 Minute Science Experiments: Density

Why did one egg sink to the bottom of one cup of water while the egg in the other cup floated? Drum roll please..... It's all because of density! The egg in freshwater sank to the bottom because an egg has a higher density than freshwater. However, an egg has a lower density than saltwater, so it stayed afloat!

Friday, March 8, 2013

March Bulletin

In need of some flowers after all this rain with some fraction flowers!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Poetry Anthology Samples

In creating their poetry anthologies, students created some amazing pieces of work! It was so much fun to see what poems from other authors students chose to write and to read their own creations. Loved it! Thank you Beth Newingham from Scholastic for sharing the idea!